Whenever life got tough, there was one man who always – Dad. Whether it is about fighting for our dreams or making our wishes come true, our fathers have always been our heroes! From making us feel special to showing us how we should be treated, our fathers have been pillars of our strength.
After getting married, many of us may stay away from our dads. But, they still hold a giant space in our hearts. Like many daughters, as I embarked on a beautiful journey with my partner, here are the reasons that make me miss my dad so much after getting married.

1. Our Long, Meaningful, Inspiring Talks At The Dinner Table
From discussing life to job to values to career to friends to politics and everything else, I miss my heart-to-heart conversations with my dad. His extraordinary listening skills and his intelligent life advice made me wonder how he always had the answers to my problems!
2. The Way He Always Tells Me How I Make Him Proud
From my first school medal to my degrees to my jobs to my promotions, my dad has never left a chance to let me know how I make him proud. The way he always feels proud of me makes me feel so content, confident, and loved! But, here’s the biggest secret – It is my dad who makes me the proudest!
3. His Warm Hugs When Life Make Us Feel Low & Cold
Though my dad might not show his emotions frequently, he exactly knows how to cheer me up. With his hugs, without saying a word, he says a lot. His actions are way louder than the shallow words of the many people around me!
4. He Is The Most Amazing Listener
The way he listens to my concerns and issues without passing judgments, makes me miss him so much. There are not many who would listen to your issues, your pain without making judgments like – “Why you complaint so much?” “It’s not just happening to you! Many women go through!” But dad would never say so!
5. How Sometimes He Is The ONLY Ones Who Understood (and Supported Us!)
There have been so many moments in my life when I felt he was the only one who understood. When my relatives pushed me to get married because I was 27, my father came to my rescue. He said – “It’s her life. She will decide. She will decide whom to marry when to marry or whether to marry at all!”
6. My Dad’s Constant Attempt To Show What Equal Marriage Looks Like
My dad had a special way to let us learn that men and women are equal. Every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, he will cook food for us. Even though he isn’t a good cook but he makes sure that his lack of cooking skills doesn’t stop him from treating our mom as his equal partner. He still takes turns with our mom when it comes to laundry! What a great way to show kids – how men and women are equal partners!
7. His Perfect Inspiring Speeches Whenever I Failed
Whenever I failed, my dad’s inspiring speeches were the sole reason why I never gave up on my dreams. And, now whenever I face a setback, the thing that I miss the most is my father’s inspiring speeches. While he makes sure to give those speeches on call, but I miss our face-to-face sessions!
8. His Way Of Showing How I Am His Priority
Doesn’t matter how busy he was with his work or he was on a business trip, he made sure to let us know that I was one of his top priorities. He was there for every small and big milestone of my childhood. Now after marriage, when I am expected to make everyone else my priority, I miss being a priority!
9. His Endless Push To Make Me Fight For My Dreams
Don’t listen to society, what they have to say, listen to your heart. Your heart will always guide you right. Fight for your dreams, Fight for your dignity, Fight for your happiness! Now after marriage, when people around me tell to make endless compromises for others and society, I miss my dad so much!
10. Just knowing he was there!
No matter where you are, you could always go to your Dad for anything and everything in life. It sucks that we’re not physically staying with each other anymore. But that bond is still strong. There are times, when I feel so lonely even after being surrounded by my husband and in-laws. In those times, my heart misses him and mummy so much! It makes me sad how girls are expected to leave her parents behind to start the new phase of life.
I miss him so much! I am so blessed to be his daughter! I know we may not be physically together but he always has my back! Thanks Papa for being there!