Breakup Quotes: These quotes are the perfect source of inspiration to move on from a breakup and find yourself again. From motivational breakup quotes to uplifting quotes to self-love quotes, this compilation has everything you need to inspire yourself to move on.
Love & Breakup are parts and parcel of life. Though it is easy for some to move on after a break-up, for some it could be really difficult. Along with loneliness, breakup brings stress and emotional pain, which can manifest itself into physical pain. There are many who encounter different kind of health issues after break-up. From nausea to headache to weakened immune system, there are many issues that come along with the pain of breakup. But, the good news is that with perfect doze of will power and support, one can easily overcome the pain of breakup. Though we can help you with the source of inspiration to move on from a breakup, we would suggest you reach out to a medical expert in case you are facing any medical issues.
To help you heal your heart and move on, we have compiled some really powerful breakup quotes to get you just the right inspiration you need. So, without any further delay, here are some of the most inspiring breakup quotes to move on.
Best Breakup Quotes To Move On
Motivational Breakup Quotes:
- If they walk away from you, let them.
- Better to be single with pride than losing yourself for worthless approvals.
- Don’t let worthless people make you forget your worth.
- Never cling to a mistake just because you wasted a long time making it.
- Sometimes heartbreaks are blessings from God. His way of saving you from the wrong one.
- Some things break your heart but fix your vision.
- Be courageous, people will love you. Not right now, but one day
- Being disappointed by that one person you believed would never hurt you hurts more than anything else.
- It never will be the same between us!
- Copy me, but the paste won’t be the same
- Built, not bought. Hustled, not handled. Earned, not given
- Who is attracted to many, can’t be loyal to any!
- Peace over drama, Distance over disrespect
- Silence is the most precious and powerful weapon, once encounter you will rule everything.
Powerful Famous Breakup Quotes
- “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” – Mark Twain
- “I will not allow myself to not feel chosen every single day. And I’ll wait till whenever that is.” – Hannah Brown
- “The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.” – Mohadesa Najumi
- “Sharp is the arrows of a broken heart.” – Cassandra Clare
- “The way they leave tells you everything.” – Rupi Kaur, Answers
- “Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.” — Paulo Coelho
- “If you really want closure… at some point, you have to shut the door.” – Jacki Wells Wunderlin
- “Sharp is the arrows of a broken heart.” – Cassandra Clare
- “The way they leave tells you everything.” – Rupi Kaur, Answers
- “Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person who you thought would never hurt you.” – Gugu Mofokeng
- “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” — Rhett Butler, Gone With the Wind
Emotional Sad Breakup Quotes
- It’s the same rain you loved that, drowned you
- I wish I could tell someone everything
- My biggest losses came from being too loyal
- Lies are like poison, it slowly kills a relation
- And one day, your name will not make me smile anymore.
- Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because he is finally someone else’s problem
- At times, the heart needs more time to accept what the mind already knows.
- This pain will lessen
- You don’t die from a broken heart. You only wish you did.
- Six letters, two words, easy to say, hard to explain, harder to do: Move on.
Uplifting Breakup Captions
- Pain makes you stronger. Fear makes you bolder. Breakup makes you wiser.
- Delete the old version of me in your head it expired
- My heart still beats but not for you
- Keep it real, or keep your distance
- Learn to heal, without venting to anyone
- Notice everything, stay quiet
- Don’t react, cut them off silently
- Roses are red. Violets are blue. Trash is dumped and so are you.
- I will get through this. I’m strong and bold
- Definition of Ex: Thanks for the EXperience. Our time has EXpired. Now, Ex-it my life.
Deep Love captions:
- There is more meaning in loving and losing than never loving at all.
- Honest feelings and painful timing are the most painful combination
- How long do I have to wait for you to find me?
- I deserved a better goodbye
- “The hottest love has the coldest end.” – Socrates
- Always prayed that I was the one you wanted
- You messed me up, you really did
- I was prepared, but it still hurts
- It was always me, who ended up hurting
- Pain makes you stronger, fear makes you braver, heartbreak makes you wiser – Drake
Self-recovery & Self-Love quotes
- A little lost. A lot found
- Normalize observing without reacting
- It took me a long time to wake up from my sleep. I’m up now
- No boyfriend, no problems.
- Soul too deep for meaningless connection
- Inhale the future, exhale the past.
- You become stronger when you face pain, you become braver when you face fear, and you become wiser when you face heartbreak.
- Whatever you do, never run back to what broke you. – Frank Ocean
- Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together – Marilyn Monroe
Funny Breakup Quotes
- Dear Ex, Of all my mistakes, you were the mistakiest.
- Roses are red. Violets are blue. Trash is dumped and so are you.
- Please cancel my subscription because I’m done with your issues.
- I may have cried when you left me, but I definitely laughed when I saw – who you left me for.
- Are you an anchor? Because you’ve done nothing but weigh me down.
- “Thank you, next.” — Ariana Grande, “Thank U, Next”
- We had a breakup because of religious differences. He thought he was God. I didn’t.
- I need to be like Elsa and let you go!
- Breakups aren’t meant for makeups; they are meant for wake-ups.
- Is it hot in here or is this relationship suffocating me?