Dear Daughters’ In-laws, our daughters are not burden on us. They are the brightness of our life; the courage of our soul and the smile on our faces. Our daughters are very special to us. And if we, as their parents, gather the courage to let them go after their marriage, don’t mistake it as a sign of weakness!
Don’t assume that every parent sees their daughter as burden or liability or paraya dhan; Don’t assume that every parent gets their daughter married just because society expects us to! Don’t assume that every parent is scared of log kya kahenge!
Some of us, get our daughters married just because we want them to be happy! We want their lives to be filled with love and happiness! We are not scared of what people will say if our daughters don’t get married! We are not the ones who tell their daughters their life purpose is to serve the man and his family!
We are the parents that regressive minds like you hate. You hate us because we teach our daughters that they are equal to men; You hate us because we teach them that they can fly!
You hate us because we raise strong and independent daughters, who have the courage to stand against your abusive behaviour; You don’t like us because we raise daughters who understand home is where the respect is; You call us bad parents because we raise daughters, who demand respect!
Dear Daughters’ in-laws, time is changing and so are we and our daughters! While you’ve enjoyed unfair societal status in the past, the times are changing now.
We are not going to tell our daughters to adjust and compromise with your abuse; We won’t tell our daughters it is okay to stay in abusive marriages; We won’t tell our daughters to give up on their dreams! We won’t tell our daughters to sacrifice and adjust for the sake of others! We won’t tell our daughters to sacrifice their dreams so that they can please you and your shallow egos!
Dear Daughters’ in-laws, stop controlling our daughters and their lives! You don’t own them!
Don’t tell them that they are born to sacrifice for their husbands and families! Don’t tell them that they are self-centered or selfish when they pursue their dreams! Don’t tell them that their parents didn’t raise them well just because they stand against your abuse!
Dear Daughters’ in-laws, treat our daughters with the same level of respect and love that you want us to treat your sons with!
Gone are the days, when only sons-in-law were loved and respected! Today’s daughters-in-law demand respect too! Don’t assume just because we are parents of daughters that we would let you treat us like a doormat! We demand respect too!
So, dear daughter’s in-laws, please get your act together if you want your son to live a happy married life. Neither you own us nor our daughters!