In these times when many of us are losing our faith in love, this couple’s love story may rebuild your trust. As the world is witnessing so many broken marriages, we need more inspiring stories like this husband, who not only loved his wife till eternity but also fought side by side against her cancer till her last breath.
This beautiful love story shared by HoB will make you emotional. This story is filled with love, pain, and hope. This husband shared how he loved her wife more than anything else in the world and how they fought against his wife’s cancer until the last breath. Here’s their beautiful love story:

“I first met Mary 60 years ago– our alliance was fixed by a relative. A few weeks before our engagement, my sister and I went to meet her. I still remember, she walked towards me in an off white saree; I was shamelessly staring. For me, it was love at first sight.
But when my father-in-law found out that my sister and her 9 kids lived with us, he backed out. Mary and I refused to back pedal; we got married without his permission.For the first 8 years, we were in a long distance marriage– we worked in 2 different districts; we’d only meet on the weekend. But after we had kids, Mary compromised for our family and took on a junior position so that she could move back.
Our love was in the little things that we did together– the two of us sipping chai on our patio whilst our kids played in the backyard made a perfect evening. I’d kiss her when the kids weren’t looking; how she’d blush! You won’t believe it, but the first time I took her out on a trip was 24 years after our wedding.
After our kids got married, I hoped that Mary and I’d get more time together but in 1990, Mary found a lump in her chest. She had breast cancer; I was shattered. For the first time, I imagined life without my Mary– I was filled with regrets about not having given her enough time and confessing my love more often.
After her breast removal operation, Mary found solace in gardening and praying, but I was constantly worried that the cancer might come back. In 2006, she lost vision in her right eye and 2 years ago, I faced my worst fear– the cancer came back; the doctors said that Mary couldn’t take chemo because of her age. I watched her die, day by day. This year, it became severe; Mary was admitted to the hospital. Because of the pandemic, I wasn’t allowed to visit her often.
Just 2 weeks before our 60th anniversary, when I’d gone to meet her, she said, ‘This might be our last anniversary together,’ and I broke down. She looked so weak– she asked for a kiss; I pecked her on the cheek. She sobbed bitterly because she couldn’t kiss me back. I reassured her, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be back in 2 weeks.’
But on the morning of our anniversary, my son called and said, ‘Ammachi is no more.’ I fell to the floor– it was as if Mary had clung onto her life only for our anniversary. I held her hands; kissed her on the forehead and said, ‘I love you Mary.’
It’s been over 2 months since she left me– I cry every time I think of her. I have sleepless nights and can’t think of anything but her; how she’d pat my head until I fell asleep. I’ve started writing a book about her, the little things we did together– I don’t want to forget even a moment. I’m just counting the days until I can be reunited with my Mary again.”
At IFORHER, we are touched by this beautiful love story that left many of us teary-eyed. We hope this would inspire many more to stand by each other when life gets tough. We want to thank this amazing couple to show us what true love looks like.