Recently, a soon to be married woman sought advice from netizens on a very important topic. She asked for the marriage advice that many women need to read to have a happy married life. The soon to-be married woman asked netizens the advice on how to adjust into a new family, as she she would be moving in with her in-laws after marriage.
“Tips for newly married women? About to marry my (caring and loving) boyfriend of 2 years. We’re Hindu and I could use any tips from men and women. Regarding adjusting with new family and all. I’ll be moving into his house, so that makes me a bit insecure.”
Here’s the complete post:
Many netizens came forward to share some pretty good advice – some very basic and some a bit more serious. From never disrespecting each other, to never leaving a job to having strong communication with the husband, the netizens share some of the really good advice.
1. Never Disrespect Each Other
2. Never Ever Leave Your Job
3. People Change After Marriage! So Beware!
4. Be Friends With His Siblings
5. Don’t Give Up Your Likes & Dislikes
6. Don’t Bring Up Old Arguments
7. Be His Friend
8. Keep Channels Of Communication Open
9. Try to get a separate space
10. Keep Your Dignity
Do let us know your gems of advice in the comments section below.