Women are sharing the most irritating thing that their in-laws do in this viral thread on Reddit. And, these responses are so relatable. From blaming wives for separating son from the parents to playing victim, these responses show how some in-laws are no less than monsters!
The whole discussion started when a reddit user asked women online: What is the most irritating thing your in-laws do?
While many came forward to share their views, here are some of the selected ones that many of us at IFORHER feel connected with.
- Blames me for ‘leading her precious son away from her’. She’s insanely possessive and we see her once a year around Christmas.
- My MIL recently told me that it’s very hard for her to share her son with me. Another time she told me that the only difference between her and me is that she can’t have intimacy with him. It irritates me so much. I feel like a second woman all the time.
- Play the victim. Don’t confront issues, but then go and tell my husband whatever I did that day that bothered them. – Icy_Republic8071
- MIL- plays victim, never apologizes, tried to break up my marriage (as well as her daughter’s), emotionally abused and manipulated her children… the list goes on. mangopepperjelly
- Moans about how I don’t call her often (she never calls me) and how she wants someone to talk to. Which is ironic because when I do call her and visit, there’s a lot of awkward silences and she doesn’t start any conversations. And she wonders why I don’t call her everyday – crumpetsandchai
- Can’t choose between two things. Talk shit about my husband’s siblings (who we’re really close with) to us. And refuse to talk about issues face to face with the person they have an issue with (which in turn leads to them shit talking behind people’s backs). It’s so immature and counterproductive. – crackedlincoln
- My MIL would berate and belittle me constantly. She would tell how to do her sons laundry how to cut a banana for her son. They had a business and my husband joined it. She would tell me how to answer a phone how to take a message. What to cook for her son. Etc. My husband never defended me. To this day he will say shit like I wish I had done things differently. 35 years of this. If it wasn’t for children I would have left – Playful-Theory3623
- MIL is a manipulator and always has been. She plays innocent and she’s always the victim. It took me several years to figure her out. She’s got to be the laziest person I’ve ever seen. She barks orders out to my FIL who waits on her hand and foot but he never does anything right.. poor guy. I swear I would run like the wind if I were him. She’s not even nice. She talks about EVERYONE! But not to their face. She’s a very unhappy person and I try to avoid her as much as possible. She’s mean to my husband ( her son ) and it upsets me. My husband is a kind man and truly goes out of his way to please her, which is impossible. Not looking forward to being around her during the holidays. – bekitchen629
- Deny that they did anything wrong to mess up my partner during his teen years including fight custody over him and talk shit about the other parent in front of him. Parents don’t think that talking negatively in front of their kids affects them but it does. – serial_heartbreakee
- Commenting on my partners weight constantly – euphoricbirthdaycake
- My MIL believes herself to be an expert on virtually every subject, and in general thinks way too highly of herself. She’s otherwise nice, but it can just be a lot sometimes to always have to hear her “expert” opinion & unsolicited advice (much of which is not even correct). – Dracarys92788
- MIL endlessly comments on my appearance. I’m just never good enough. I stay away these days. After a lot of arguing, my husband finally gets it. I don’t make him choose between me or them for holidays. I’m perfectly happy sitting them out and safely away at home.
- Treat me as if I’m a bad mom if Im away from my children ever even if it’s working.- charrizaard
- Pushing my husband to want a 1950s domestic situation. They love taking digs about me not being a good wife/partner for him. “Your brother’s wife packs his work suitcase when he has work trips, isn’t that nice? See what having a nurturing woman in your life can do?” Pushing him to want/have kids is another. I can tell the last five years seeing and speaking with them had really worn on him and he’s pushed them away a lot. His brother even started crying about it after he cornered my husband and got irate about the kid thing. He told him to leave me and when he saw how my husband closed down he sobbed about how he had destroyed their relationship. Yeah, you and your parents only have yourselves to blame he sees you once a year or less. – gregorianballsacks
- My MIL uses my husband as an emotional crutch. She also tries to get both of us involved in all the family drama. It’s exhausting – queenoftheredpandas
Do let us know what’s the most irritating thing that your in-laws do in the comments section.