This post captures the important details about the dark circles under eyes – causes and treatments. Hope this information will help you to understand the dark circles under eyes better. And, would also help you to get rid of them.
Dark circles are one of the most common skin problems that many encounter. In case you are also struggling with dark circles, we are here to help. In this post, we would capture the extensive list of reasons that causes dark circles, and how you can get rid of them to get your beautiful eyes back.

No one can deny that eyes are the most beautiful facial feature. Hence, you can’t afford to be careless about them. And, one of the major problems related to eye care is Dark Circles Under Eyes.
What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes? What Are The Reasons Behind Them?
Stress: Though there are many factors that cause dark circles, the most common reason is STRESS. Stress not only leads to medical health conditions but also affects our external appearances. Whenever a person is under stress, our glands release the Cortisol hormone. Cortisol increases the volume of blood in our bodies, which causes the blood vessels (including the ones below your eyes) to swell. And, this swelling caused by increased blood flow causes the blood vessels underneath our eyes to be more apparent, eventually leading to dark circles.
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Excessive Phone Usage: Like many electronic devices, our phone also emits blue light that causes damage to the skin, particularly under our eyes. The blue light results in ageing as well as cause dark circles. Even, people working for long hours at laptops suffer from the same. In times, when many of us are completely dependent on our laptops and phones, we cannot altogether stop using them. But, what we can actually do is to reduce the time that we spend on these electronic devices. We can keep a check on our usage so that we don’t damage our eyes and the skin under them!
Allergies: Many people, who suffer from asthma and nose allergies, also face issues of dark circles. The nose allergies cause eye irritation and redness, which lead to dark circles. As per the various findings, the chemicals in the asthma medications may also lead to inflammation around the eyes, causing dark circles.
Lack of sleep: A proper sleep of 6-8 hours is very important for every human being. As per various studies, less sleep not only harms the eyes, but also affects the holistic health of our bodies and minds. The lack of sleep increases body heat, which upsets health. As per the sources, the primary sign for increased body heat is dark circles.
Melanocytes: Melanocytes are the specialized cells that produce melanin pigments responsible for skin, hair and eye pigmentation. They reside in the basal layer of the epidermis that is under the eye area. The inflammation of these melanocytes produces more melanin and causes dark circles. It even increases the thickness of the skin around the eyes.
Sensitive skin: As the eye area is very sensitive, the ultra-violet rays or the heavy sunlight can stimulate the tissues under the eyes leading to dark circles. Because of heavy sunlight, we tend to keep the eyes tightened, that can lead to early wrinkles. Under heavy sunlight, while all the facial parts are tanned, our eyes are irritated giving rise to dark circles.
Heredity: One of the possible causes for dark circles is hereditary or genes. Sometimes, our dark circles are caused by the inherited genes of our mother or father. These kinds of dark circles can be seen from our childhood. Sadly, there are less chances of getting rid of the hereditary dark circles.
Medical illness: More serious medical conditions like anaemia or iron deficiency also cause dark circles. Even poor blood circulation under the eye area leads to blood vessels build-up, which causes dark circles. Also, sometimes vitamin deficiencies of vitamin B12, E, K and D could be the reasons behind your dark circles.
How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Eyes?
While we have discussed the reasons that cause dark circles, here are some ways of how you can get rid of these dark circles. In their initial stages, you can remove the dark circles with the basic home remedies. But, the more time you had them for, the lesser the chances to remove them.
So, here are some ways to get rid of your dark circles:
- As stress is one of the major reasons that cause dark circles. Try yoga and meditation religiously to overcome it.
- Keep your mobile phone usage under check with the help of reminders.
- Protect yourself against basic nose allergies by the use masks or protectors.
- Have adequate sleep and make sure you adopt a healthy sleeping pattern.
- Use hats or goggles to avoid sun exposure.
- Always stay hydrated.
- Maintain proper diet and have fruits and vegetables in more quantity.
- Give a proper massage to your eyes with the fingers or any massage tools to avoid poor blood circulation.
- Don’t shy away from usingbasic home remedies like Aloe Vera, Inknut powder, black clay, milk etc. They can help in removing the dark circles.
- You can also try some anti-oxidant creams and ointments.
- Make sure you take the right supplements in case your dark circles are resulted because of deficiencies.
The Bottom Line
Getting rid of dark circles may not be easy. But, with the right treatment and discipline, you can definitely get rid of them. And, remember with or without dark circles, you are beautiful! Because beauty is skin deep!