Jamun, sometimes known as black plum, is a tiny fruit with dark purple skin. The fruit is red and juicy from the inside. It’s known by a variety of names, including blackberry, Jamali Java plum, Black Plum, Jamun, Jambul, etc. It’s one of the most popular summer fruits, and it’s loaded with health advantages. There are numerous methods to include it in your diet. Let’s take a look at all the benefits of Jamun.

Jamun nutritional information
Jamun is a fruit rich in nutrients. It has antioxidants, phosphorus, calcium, and flavonoids in abundance. It also provides essential nutrients including fiber, folic acid, fat, protein, salt, riboflavin, thiamine, carotene, and others. Let’s have a look at the nutritional value of 140g of Jamun:
- Carbs: 14 g
- Dietary fiber: 1 g
- Sugar: 5 g
- Fat: 0 g (Saturated, Polyunsaturated, Monounsaturated fat, Trans fat)
- Protein: 1 g
- Sodium: 40 mg
- Potassium: 79 mg
- Cholesterol and some percentage of vitamin A
- Vitamin C: 45%
- Calcium: 2%
- Iron: 4%
Benefits of Jamun
Jamun has been utilized as an Ayurvedic medicine due to its numerous health benefits, some of which are listed below:
1. Increases haemoglobin levels
Jamun is high in vitamin C and iron, both of which aid to raise hemoglobin levels. Jamun has iron, which functions as a blood purifier (it purifies the blood and helps you increase haemoglobin in your body.) Increased hemoglobin counts allow your blood to transport more oxygen to your organs, keeping you healthy.
2. Maintains skin health
Jamun also has astringent qualities that are beneficial to skin health. You can effectively tackle skin problems like pimples, wrinkles, acne, and blemishes by eating Jamun. It also contains vitamin C, which has anti-inflammatory effects that help soften and improve the texture of your skin.
3. Controls diabetes
Jamun is suitable for diabetics because it contains relatively few calories. Jamun may also include polyphenolic compounds that aid in the treatment of diabetes, according to the study. (Also Read: Bad Foods that make diabetes worse)
4. Improves cardiovascular health
Jamun is high in antioxidants and potassium. These nutrients are essential for heart health and the prevention of heart disease.
5. Assists in weight loss
Jamun is high in fiber and low in calories, making it an excellent weight-loss fruit. Furthermore, fruits high in fiber aid digestion and prevent bodily water retention.
6. Aids Digestion
Jamun has diuretic qualities that help with digestion. This is because it cleanses your kidneys of impurities and avoids nausea.
7. Immunity booster
Jamun is high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, all of which aid to boost immunity. As a result, you’ll be able to keep healthy and avoid getting sick.
8. Promotes oral health
Jamun is recognized for its antibacterial characteristics, which can help you maintain good dental hygiene. It guards your teeth against mouth infections and harmful microorganisms. It can also support the health of your gums and teeth. Jamun leaves can also be used to treat throat difficulties. To treat ulcers, create a decoction from the tree bark and use it to rinse your mouth.
Scroll down to know more amazing benefits of Jamun on your health
9. Eye Benefits
Because it is high in vitamin C, this small fruit is beneficial to your eyes. (Also Read: 14 Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables that you must include in your diet)
10. Protects against infection
Jamun can help you avoid illnesses because it has antibacterial and anti-infective qualities. This fruit is high in substances that fight infections in the body, such as malic acid, gallic acid, tannins, oxalic acid, and betulinic acid.
11. Diabetes and Jamun fruit
Because of the sugars in fruits, diabetics should limit their intake. For diabetes, however, you can readily ingest Jamun fruit. Jambolana in the seeds is the fruit’s main anti-diabetic component. You can even use extracts of the bark, seeds, and leaves to reduce blood sugar and glycosuria for a long time (sugar in urine). Jamun’s hypoglycemic effects have been shown in studies to result in a 30% drop in blood sugar. Furthermore, its seeds contain alkaloids that have hypoglycemic properties. The best aspect is that diabetics can eat Jamun every day to help regulate their blood sugar levels. This also aids in the improvement of insulin activity and sensitivity in the body. The seed powder can be used as an adjuvant for both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes. The best time to take Jamun for diabetes is when you have IFG (impaired fasting glucose). Jamun seed powder can help with the management. This early regulation aids people in avoiding the onset of diabetes and its problems.
Also Read: What Foods To Avoid With Diabetes? 13 Foods Bad For Diabetes
12. Jamun skin benefits
Jamun has great astringent characteristics that defend against acne, dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles. You can also use Jamun face packs to control the amount of oil your skin produces. Jamun can also help treat leucoderma by revitalizing the melanin in your skin. The following are the key Jamun skin benefits:
- Jamun can effectively treat acne since they contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Jamun’s ingredients help to cleanse your blood and detoxify your body. Its antimicrobial qualities will kill microorganisms that cause acne.
- Jamun face packs can also be used to treat blackheads and pimples.
- Jamun Fruit or Jamun Juice can be consumed to achieve soft and supple skin.
Also Read: How To Reduce Melanin In Skin Naturally? Here Are The 10 Tips
13. Weight loss with Jamun
Many people consume Jamun in order to lose weight. Jamun offers only 75 calories per cup. As a result, it is ideal for weight loss. Furthermore, it is fat-free. It also aids digestion due to its high fiber content. The high fiber content also helps you stay fuller for longer. Furthermore, it will not produce an increase in your blood sugar levels. Jamun is easily classified as a superfruit. As a result, several nutritionists advise using Jamun to lose weight. Fiber-rich foods are great for helping you lose weight. Because Jamuns improve digestion, they will aid in weight loss management.
Also Read: 24 Best Weight Loss Foods To Lose Weight Without Dieting In Healthy & Natural Way
14. Hair benefits of Jamun
Jamun’s antioxidant and antibacterial qualities can help with scalp infections. It also aids in the development of healthy hair by flushing out pollutants. Jamun’s astringent characteristics aid in balancing natural oils and controlling an oily scalp.
Jamun juice: How to make it?
Jamun juice is simple to prepare. This is how you can go about doing it:
- Wash the Jamuns thoroughly.
- Remove the seeds and crush them in a blender.
- You can even add ginger at this point for extra flavor and benefits.
- Dilute the concentrated paste with a lot of water.
- Remove the astringent flavor with a pinch of salt,honey, or sugar.
Jamun dosage recommendation
All foods should be consumed in moderation. So, how much Jamun should you have every day? One serving or a small bowl of Jamun per day is plenty. You could also drink one glass of Jamun juice.
Side effects of Jamun fruit
Consumption of Jamun has a few modest adverse effects. Drinking too much Jamun juice, for example, might cause diarrhea. If you have diabetes, you should talk to your doctor before eating Jamun. However, because the fruit is all-natural and low in calories, it rarely causes any negative side effects.