Pimples vs cold sores: You can tell the difference between pimples and core sores majorly based on their location and appearance. Scroll down to know more.
Your lip pimple and a cold sore could have a similar appearance. They can both be uncomfortable as well. Which is it then? — Pimples vs cold sores? Although they are similar, their causes and treatments differ significantly. Continue reading to learn how to distinguish between the two and how to treat them at home. Each bump should form and feel differently, allowing you to differentiate between them. Here are some ways to distinguish between them.
Pimples Vs Cold Sores

Pimples Vs Cold Sores: What’s The Difference?Â
- Location based difference: The lower lip typically develops a cold sore in the same location every time. On occasion, they’ll appear on your upper lip. Your lips or face can develop pimples everywhere.
- Appearance-based difference: A cold sore may tingle, burn, or itch. It may hurt to touch pimples. Cold sores are composed of a few little blisters that are grouped. A single blackhead or whitehead appears on a pimple.
Pimples Vs Cold Sores – How Are They Identified?
Based on the lesion’s appearance and location, your doctor might surmise that it is a cold sore. When making a diagnosis, they might advise a biopsy, blood tests, and viral cultures—which entail swabbing the lesions and checking the skin cells for a virus. A doctor can determine if you have pimples by examining your skin.
What are Fever Blisters?
Fever blisters, which are another name for cold sores, are little fluid-filled blisters that normally develop in a group, usually around the bottom of your lip. You can experience tingling, stinging, or burning in the area before the blisters develop. The blisters will eventually rupture, develop a crust, and disappear in two to four weeks. People of all ages develop cold sores. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) estimates that more than 50% of Americans aged 14 to 49 carry the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Cold sores are brought on by the herpes simplex virus.
Why Do Cold Sores Develop?
Typically, an HSV-caused viral infection leads to a cold sore. HSV-1 and HSV-2 are the two strains of this virus. Cold sores in the mouth are typically caused by HSV-1, while genital sores are typically caused by HSV-2. However, if you are exposed to either strain, it can result in sores on the either region. Skin-to-skin contact is a particularly effective way to spread the highly contagious herpes virus. The following behaviors can contribute to the virus’s spread: sharing shaving supplies, towels, eating utensils, beverages, lip balm, oral sex, as well as kissing.
Even if you don’t have any symptoms, you can still transfer the virus if you have it. However, during an epidemic or while a cold sore is apparent, the virus is far more contagious. HSV-1 carriers do not all frequently have cold sores. The virus nonetheless stays dormant and concealed in your body all of the time, even if you only contract it once after your original infection.
Most Common Causes Of Cold Sores
Other people frequently get cold sore outbreaks that could be caused by one or more of the following:
- Diseases like the flu and fever that cause hormonal imbalances:
- Menstruation stress
- Temperature, humidity, or dryness exposure
- Dehydration Skin damage or fractures in the skin
- Inadequate diet, insufficient sleep, and weariness
- An inadequate immune system
Pimples Vs Cold Sores – How Do You Treat Cold Sores?
Although there is no therapy for cold sores, they often go away on their own in two to four weeks. There are ways to expedite the healing process, though. You doctor may prescribe antiviral medication, which comes in pill form as well as cream or ointment forms. Some are also sold at retail outlets. The duration of the outbreak is shortened with pills-only medications. The severity of the symptoms might be lessened by creams and ointments. But, before you decide tot take up any medication, consult your doctor.Â
Home Remedies To Treat Cold Sores
You can try the following treatments at home:
- Use an over-the-counter (OTC) painkiller, protecting your lips from the sun, and using a cool compress
- Select an OTC cream that contains benzocaine or lidocaine. Buy creams containing lidocaine and benzocaine.
Substitute treatments
According to several research, complementary treatments that contain antiviral agents may hasten the healing process. These consist of:
- Menthol with Aloe Vera
- Licorice Zinc
Consult your doctor for advice on dosage and to determine whether alternative therapies are appropriate for you.
How Can Cold Sores Be Avoided?
Cold sores cannot be cured, thus prevention is essential.
Avoid skin-to-skin contact with people, especially those who have obvious blisters, to prevent the development of a cold sore. Keeping personal belongings to yourself would also help you to protect yourself. This includes drinking cups, lip balm, and eating utensils. Additionally, you should routinely wash your hands and try to avoid touching your face with your hands. Asking people not to kiss your infant on the face will help avoid cold sores in babies.
Pimples Vs Cold Sores – What Is A Pimple?
The painful, little red lump known as a pimple might have a white, black, or no tip at all. They can develop on any part of your face, even the edge of your lips. But pimples can also develop on the neck, breasts, legs, or even in the ear, among other parts of the body. You might have acne if your skin breaks out in pimples regularly.
Hair follicles becoming trapped with oil or dead skin cells is what causes pimples. Additionally known as sebum, this oil. Your skin and hair can gain moisture from sebum as it passes through the hair follicles. Dead skin cells and excess sebum clog pores, which allows bacteria to flourish. A pimple develops as a result. When the follicular wall expands, a whitehead pimple develops, and a blackhead pimple develops when the bacteria in the closed pores is exposed to light.
Pimples Vs Cold Sores – More About Pimples
- Although babies and elderly people can get pimples, teenagers and young adults are the most likely to do so.
- Your acne may worsen if certain factors are present:
- You can be more likely to develop pimples if acne runs in your family.
- Pore clogging can happen from improper makeup removal at night. (Also Checkout: Our DIY Makeup Remover ideas to avoid harmful Skin Chemicals)
- Dairy products could make acne worse. Carbohydrates and chocolate may also act as triggers.
- Corticosteroids are one class of medications that might exacerbate acne.
- The hormonal changes that occur during puberty might cause acne.
- Women’s pimples may be caused by hormonal changes that take place during menstruation, pregnancy, or during menopause.
- Acne can be worse by stress.
To heal pimples or cold sore in time without becoming worse, we would suggest you consult a medical expert. Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided solely for educational reasons and is not intended to replace the medical treatment provided by a healthcare professional. Because each person’s needs are different, the reader should check with their doctor to see if the material is appropriate for them.