We are on the verge of very difficult times. As with every passing day, our increasing COVID-19 cases are crumbling our healthcare system. In midst of such troubling times, fans are shocked to see celebrities going out for vacations to places like Goa, Maldives, etc.

In midst of the Janta curfew imposed in Maharashtra, celebrities are taking this time as a holiday and jetting off to exotic places. Recently, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor were called out by fans for leaving the town rather than using their power of influence to help people. Earlier Pooja Bedi was also trolled for flaunting her privilege and being irresponsible.
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People took to social media to share how they are disappointed in celebrities and how their idiotic actions of showcasing their privilege need to stop.
“How can they leave the country at this peak corona phase? How come the Maldives taking Indian tourists despite knowing India detecting 2.5 lacs corona patients per day? How will Mumbai police allow them to come back without any restriction? Pathetic. Money speaks & common people suffer,” wrote one user.
Not only fans, but even some celebrities are also calling out their contemporaries.
Earlier actor Amit Sadh and now actress Shruti Haasan has called out the celebrities for holidaying and posting vacation pictures during the pandemic.

As per a report in The Indian Express, Shruti Haasan talked about how flashing one’s privilege in people’s faces during such a distressing time is not responsible behavior. She stated,
“Glad they had a great holiday, they deserved it. I did not personally feel it was a time to go maskless in a pool. It has been a tough time for everyone and for some people much more. I think gratitude and being thankful for privileges is what is most important to know versus throwing your privileges in people’s faces.”
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“I was really thankful to go back to work. There were some teams which were extremely responsible and careful. And then there was “one” basically that wasn’t. And I never forgot that we are still in a pandemic. Now it is easy to say ‘oh we’re still in a pandemic’. But, I knew this three months ago. People thought that I was crazy, a psycho aunty yelling all the time. I was always on the edge about it and I don’t think many people appreciated it,” she concluded.
Even Shobhaa De re-shared Rohini Iyer’s post criticizing celebs for posting vacay pics. Shobhaa De captioned the post as:
“It is the height of vulgarity to flaunt those ridiculous pictures. Enjoy Maldives by all means. You are blessed if you can get such a break in these bleak times. But do everyone a favour… keep it private.”
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Rohini Iyer’s hard-hitting post read as follows:
“For all of you vacationing in Maldives and Goa and exotic locales, remember, it’s a holiday for you. It’s a bloody pandemic all over. So don’t be an insensitive idiot and post pictures of your privileged life. You’re not only coming across as brainless but also completely blind and deaf. This is not the time to boost your Instagram numbers. This is the time to step up and help or if you can’t do anything, then shut up and stay home! Or stay quiet in your holiday home.. Masked up. No Photos. This is not fashion week or Kingfisher Calendar time!”
Do you do agree with the view that it is insensitive or irresponsible on the part of such celebrities posting their photos? Let us know.