Ranbir Kapoor’s movie ‘Animal’ is set to release in theaters this weekend. The film has garnered immense excitement among fans, with its song ‘Arjan Vailly ne Pair Jod Ke Gandasi Maari’ receiving lots of love from audiences and celebrities alike. What makes it so special is the profound meaning and the back story behind this powerful hard-hitting song. Scroll down to know the profound meaning behind this hard-hitting song that stands for power, fear, and brutality.
Real Story Behind The Song – “Arjan Vailly”
Before we share the meaning of the song – Arjan Vailly from the movie Animal, do you know the real story behind the song?
The ‘Animal’ song ‘Arjan Vailly’ is based on Ranbir Kapoor’s character named Arjun Singh. It portrays the rowdy persona of Arjun (Arjan Vailly Ne). This remarkable song, sung by Kuldeep Manak, narrates the story of Arjan Singh Nalva, also known as Arjan Vailly. Arjan Vailly was the son of Hari Singh Nalwa, a prominent leader in the Sikh Khalsa Fauj army during the 18th century in the Sikh Empire. Hari Singh, known as Baagh Maar, bravely fought off a tiger using only a dagger and a shield.
Arjan Singh Nalva hailed from Kaunke village near Jagroan, close to Ludhiana in present-day Punjab. He and his brother Jawahir Singh Nalwa displayed incredible courage while resisting British expansion that threatened the Sikh State following their father Hari Singh’s passing.
This emotional and impactful song delves into the father-son relationship. In the song, Arjan Vailly metaphorically represents Ranbir Kapoor’s character, who is depicted in a bloodied shirt, carrying an axe and seemingly engaging in violent acts for his father.
Meaning of the Animal song “Arjan Vailly”
Arjan Vailly Ne,
Arjun, the troublemaker
Ho ‘Khade Vich Dang Khadke, Chak Oye!
In the arena, there is a lathi charge going on! Get it!
Ho ‘Khade Vich Dang Khadke, Othe Ho Gayi Ladayi Bhari,
Due to a fight in the crowd, there is a lathi charge in the arena.
Arjan Vailly Ne,
Arjun, the troublemaker!
Oh Arjan Vailly Ne O Paer Jodke Gandassi Mari,
The rowdy Arjun tied his feet together and hit his opponent with an axe.
Arjan Vailly Ne O Paer Jodke Gandassi Mari,
The boisterous Arjun tied his feet together and hit his opponent with an axe.
Takue Gandase Chhaviyan, Teri Oye,
Tabar (axe), Gandasi (axe), and daggers… Oh you!
Takue Gandase Chaviyan, Kehnde Khadak Payian Kirpana,
Tabar (axe), Gandasi (axe), and daggers, and swords were used they say.
Vi Sana Wangu Jatt Bhirhde,
The Jatts are fighting like a pack of bulls.
Oh Sana Wangu Jatt Bhirhde, Sakhi Sukh Na Disse Bhagwana,
There is no sign of peace as the Jatts battle like bulls.
O Leero Leer Ho Jaugi,
It would be ripped apart.
O Leero Leer Ho Jaugi, Kehnde Bachno Di Phulkari,
They fear Bachno’s embroidered dupatta will be ripped to shreds during the clash.
Arjan Vailly Ne O Paer Jodke Gandassi Mari,
The rowdy Arjun tied his feet together and hit his opponent with an axe.
Arjan Vailly Ne O Paer Jodke Gandassi Mari,
The boisterous Arjun tied his feet together and hit his opponent with an axe.
Khundiyan De Singg Fass Gaye, Ve Koi Nitroo Vadenve Khani,
Only a worthy opponent would prevail in this fight of genuine opponents.
Dharti Te Khoon Dulleya Ve, Jivein Tidke Ghade Chon Pani,
Blood is poured on the ground like water from a broken pot.
O Sheran Wangu Yar Khad Gaye,
They stood tall like lions.
O Sheran Wangu Yar Khad Gaye, Vailly Nal Si Jinna De Yari,
They loomed like lions whose courageous allies stood beside them.
Arjan Vailly Ne O Paer Jodke Gandassi Mari,
In his wild manner, Arjun axed his rival after tying his feet together.
Arjan Vailly Ne O Paer Jodke Gandassi Mari,
Ever the brawler, Arjun bound his foe’s feet together and swung an axe at him.
Chare Pase Raula Pai Gaya,
News got out everywhere.
O Chare Pase Raula Pai Gaya, Jadon Mareya Gandasa Hath Jodke,
When he struck with his foes’ hands bound, news travelled quickly.
O Jadon Mareya Gandasa Hath Jodke,
When he struck with his foes’ hands bound tied.
O Chare Pase Raula Pai Gaya, Jadon Mareya Gandasa Hath Jodke,
The news got out everywhere when he struck with his opponent’s hands bound.
Khoon De Tarale Chalde, Thalle Sutt Le Haan Dhauna Nu Marod’ke,
The blood pours out like a waterfall. Arjun grabs his opponents’ necks and throws them to the ground.
Sher Jeha Rohb Jatt Da,
His authority is comparable to that of a lion.
Sher Jeha Rohb Jatt Da, Vi Thalle Rakhda Police Sarkari,
His authority resembles that of a lion. He has local law enforcement in his back pocket.
Arjan Vailly Ne O Paer Jodke Gandassi Mari,
The rowdy Arjun tied his feet together and hit his opponent with an axe.
Arjan Vailly Ne O Paer Jodke Gandassi Mari,
The boisterous Arjun tied his feet together and hit his opponent with an axe.
How did you like the song? Tell us in the comments below.