Behind every child who believes in herself is a parent who believed first. And, such is an inspiring story of Luna’s parents, who made sure that rather than shame their child, the world sees power and strength in it.
It was a shocking moment for little Luna’s parents when they saw her for the first time. Luna was born with a congenital melanocytic nevus, “a skin condition characterized by an abnormally dark, noncancerous skin patch (nevus) that is composed of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes.”
Luna’s mother, Carol, told Daily Mail:
“It’s impossible to know before babies are born whether they will have this mark. We had a 4D scan, which showed that she had a lot of hair, but nothing to show she had a birthmark.”
Sadly when Luna was born, none of the doctors and nurses knew what it was. They scrambled to find answers as to what the birthmark meant for the little girl’s future. At the same time, the parents were trying hard to come to the terms with the unique look of their daughter’s face.
In order to build awareness, these brave and courageous parents set up a social media page where they share Luna’s daily updates. They’ve also started a crowdfunding page to raise money for her treatment.
They also donned “Batman” masks themselves to encourage people to celebrate the little Superhero rather than bullying or calling her a monster. And, internet applauded the thinking and courage of these parents along with Luna’s.
While sharing how the society bullies or mocks Luna, the mother told the Daily Mail:
“I don’t want her to get bullied, people ask if it’s contagious and say really mean things. One time we were at church, and a girl sitting next to us said to her mother, ‘Wow, look at her. What a monster.”
Though Luna’s parents accepted their daughter’s unusual diagnosis in stride, they are planning for a procedure to remove it. As per DailyMail, the parents have to go for the procedure as the birthmark could lead to cancer when Luna gets older.
It is disheartening to see how our world not only shames the people who don’t fit in but also makes their life miserable.
In a society, which lacks empathy and courage, to accept unusual and different, we need people like Luna’s parents who are raising their voices and encouraging people to see the beauty in unusual.
We wish Luna a speedy recovery from the procedure and like many others on the internet, we also hail her as our little superhero.