Sudha Murty has inspired many of us in different ways. Sometimes through her powerful writing and sometimes through her determination and acts of kindness. But what touches us the most is how she understands the child-parent relationship so well.

Her different yet inspiring point of view always opens us to a new way of thinking. She makes us wonder if we need to unlearn some of the parenting tactics that we picked up while running in the rat race.
During one of her interviews with DNA about India’s education system, Sudha Murty shared some valuable advice. Her thoughts made us relook how we overemphasize the significance of marks and undervalue the importance of instilling humanity among our kids?
Her thoughts on what kind of environment parents need to create at home to let their kids learn and grow are a must-read for every parent.
While sharing how overemphasis on marks have ripped away joy from learning, Sudha Murty mentioned:
“The race for marks has stripped the joy of learning. Students are result-oriented and barely focused on the process.”
She further added:
“As a mother, I did not bother about marks. I would tell them, ‘children look, do not worry much about the marks, learn to love the subjects and it will remain with you’. Of course, it’s a mad rat race now. It takes a toll on the students, parents and teachers.
Life is not just about getting a degree. There are so many ways one can live, but we never bother about that. We generally want our children to be either engineers or doctors. And now, computer engineers.
Not all are meant for that. I feel good education and the art of learning new things is more important. I think children should have the love for knowledge more than the love for marks. They should have a love and thirst for knowledge.”
Also Read: Sudha Murthy Quotes For Those Struggling With Life & Its Ugly Realities
While talking about the kind of environment parents should create in their homes for their children to learn and grow, Sudha Murty mentioned:
“Parents should sit with their children. Studies should be made interesting. Explain everything to them in a simpler way.
Buy less for children. Don’t buy them things before they even know they need it. Children should look forward to buying new things.”
What she shares next is the most important piece of advice that can help our future generation to grow:
“And don’t compare. Don’t say, look at the neighbor’s son, he does so well or look at your cousins. Don’t do that. A child is like a bud, every flower has its own beauty, so please allow them to bloom.”
At IFORHER, we feel it is important for every parent to give a thought to what Sudhaji said about marks and rat-race. We live in the times when parents, kids, and teachers are under extreme pressure to perform. And most of the time, this pressure restricts our kids from reaching their true potential.
Also Read: Don’t Focus On Your Child All The Time: Sudha Murthy’s Parenting Advice
As a parent, we need to remember that every child is as unique as a flower. We need to let them bloom in their own special way.
We know there are some hard-hitting and practical things, which every parent would agree to. Do let us know how you ease your kid’s pressure and comfort them? And, we would share your parenting tips with other parents across the world.