These Reese Witherspoon quotes are a perfect source of inspiration you need during the tough days. To get your dose of inspiration, scroll down.
Reese Witherspoon is a Hollywood powerhouse who needs no introduction. She has a knack for inspiring, empowering, uplifting, and motivating people around her. Whether it’s about encouraging men and women to step up in their lives or suggesting people live life more meaningful, Witherspoon is an inspiration!
Reese Witherspoon Quotes That Left Many Inspired
Run away from a man who can’t handle your ambition. Run. So many men think ambition is awesome! ~ Reese Witherspoon
The idea that we are our own saviors, our own heroes. That’s hard, but also incredibly uplifting. ~ Reese Witherspoon
I’ve realized that life is too short to spend my time with anybody who doesn’t appreciate me, treat me with respect or bring value to the relationship. ~ Reese Witherspoon
Many people worry so much about managing their careers but rarely spend half that much energy managing their LIVES. I want to make my life, not just my job, the best it can be. ~ Reese Witherspoon
You can learn a lot about yourself with what you’re doing and who you’re with on a Sunday. ~ Reese Witherspoon
Whether it was making my bed or making a movie, my mother and father never hesitated to say how proud they were of me, and that means so very much to a child. ~ Reese Witherspoon
It’s important to do things that scare you to death! ~ Reese Witherspoon
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I don’t know what I would have done so many times in my life if I hadn’t had my girlfriends. ~ Reese Witherspoon
I encourage women to step up. Don’t wait for somebody to ask you. ~ Reese Witherspoon
Spend less time tearing yourself apart, worrying if you’re good enough. You are good enough. And you’re going to meet amazing people in your life who will help you and love you. ~ Reese Witherspoon
It’s funny that it all becomes about clothes. It’s bizarre. You work your butt off and then you win an award and it’s all about your dress. ~ Reese Witherspoon
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I do believe that if you want to change the world, you have to be responsible for it. ~ Reese Witherspoon
All we can do to create change is work hard. That’s my advice: Just do what you do well. ~ Reese Witherspoon
I don’t believe in perfection. I don’t think there is such a thing. But the energy of wanting things to be great is perfectionist energy. ~ Reese Witherspoon
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If something seems frightening or horrible, I should probably do it. ~ Reese Witherspoon
Every day you have to choose and cultivate your own happiness. ~ Reese Witherspoon
Do I need men? I don’t think it’s about needing men. It’s about love. ~ Reese Witherspoon
I don’t think I realized how stressed I was, being a single parent. It was really, really stressful. It’s not easy on anybody.~ Reese Witherspoon
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Everybody needs love. Everyone deserves it. ~ Reese Witherspoon
I spent a lot of my 20s just trying to make other people happy, rather than trying to figure out if doing that made me happy. ~ Reese Witherspoon
Hope these Reese Witherspoon quotes inspired you the way they inspired us!