How much hair loss is normal? Both men and women have normal levels of hair loss. An individual loses 50 to 100 hairs on average per day. Seeing hair in the shower or on a hairbrush is typically no reason for alarm because hair sheds as part of its natural cycle.
However, if a person finds bald areas or significant clumps of hair going out, they might want to consult a physician or dermatologist. Stress or another health problem could be the cause of this profuse shedding. It’s crucial to understand that shedding differs from permanent hair loss. After the underlying problem is treated, the hair should regain its previous thickness. In this article, we will assess how much hair loss is normal.
As part of the body’s natural regeneration cycle, hair sheds every day. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, a person typically loses between 50 and 100 hairs every day.
How Much Hair Loss Is Normal?

Stages Of Hair Growth
Before the hair comes out, each hair follicle goes through a cycle that comprises a growth stage (anagen) and a resting stage (telogen). As long as the hair follicle is functioning and making new hair, this cycle will keep happening. On average, healthy individuals have between 80,000 and 120,000 hair on their heads. Up to 9% of hair follicles are at any given time in the resting stage, which indicates that they are prepared for the strand to fall out, according to the authors of a 2017 study.
Effects Of Hair Brush & Styling On Hair Loss
Longer hair tends to display more hair in the shower drain, on hairbrushes, and clothing, whereas shorter hair may not exhibit substantial shedding. It’s possible that those who style their hair lose more of it. Approximately 40% of women experience significant hair loss when combing their hair, according to 2018 data.
40% of women reportedly experience significant hair loss after shampooing their hair, according to the authors of a 2019 study. Excessive hair brushing, heated curling and straightening irons, and chemical colours can all cause more hair loss or breakage. Many people who use a hairbrush to style their hair could become concerned when they notice all the loose hair strands inside the brush.
But typically speaking, combing the hair only eliminates and collects the hair that have already fallen out of their follicles that day. Although seeing this in the hairbrush all at once can be alarming, it is typical in modest amounts. In rare circumstances, overbrushing the hair can cause breaks and other problems. The hair may break or shatter when being brushed vigorously. Anyone who notices shorter or broken hair in their brush may want to discuss more natural hair care alternatives or methods to strengthen the hair with a dermatologist.
Effects Of Hair Wash On Hair Loss
Many hair that has already fallen out of the head is collected during hair washing. Certain chemical components in shampoos have the potential to be toxic and induce hair loss or breakage. If someone starts to see more hair coming out in the shower, they should stop using the product and switch to one with a milder formula. It may be better to visit a physician or dermatologist if the increase is sudden. Anyone who notices huge clumps of hair falling out or is losing more than 100 hair per day may have excessive hair loss.
Hair Shedding Vs. Hair Loss
Hair shedding is different from permanent hair loss, which causes the hair to gradually thin out or recede from the hairline. In the hair follicle, hair that has been shed will grow back. When a follicle ceases generating hair, hair loss occurs. Stressful situations or significant changes to the body can cause an abrupt period of increased hair shedding, including:
- Giving birth, altering, or discontinuing birth control
- A significant weight loss
- Healing from an illness recovering from surgery losing a loved one while suffering from an extremely high temperature.
Bottom Line: The average person loses 50–100 hairs every day, and as they age, this number may gradually rise. A stressful situation or a serious disease could make someone lose more hair than usual. Most of the time, hair loss resumes within a few months at its normal rate. Anyone who feels they are shedding their hair at a considerably faster rate than usual should consult their doctor to help identify the underlying cause.
Facing hair issues? Then you are not alone. There are many of us, who are struggling with hair loss, hair damage and so much more. In case you are like one of us, then you may find this section on hair health & styling interesting. From healthy hair tips to best hair treatment to trending hair styling options, this section has most updated stories on hair health!
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