Christmas Horror Movies: Even though the words “holiday” and “horror” don’t seem like they should go together, the combination makes a lot of sense. Here is a list of the best 30 Christmas horror movies.
When the holidays can be stressful, you sometimes just need something to cut through the treacle of the season and provide some catharsis. These are the best Christmas horror movies to watch in 2022 if you need that kind of release. You can spend your time with Krampuses, Christmas vampires, and other ghouls. Yes, we’re not talking about Rudolph’s hooves or cheery old elves!
Christmas Horror Movies

Christmas Horror Movies
Here is a list of the 30 best horror movies on Christmas.
List Of Christmas Horror Movies
1. Violent Night

In this upcoming thriller featuring Stranger Things actor David Harbour as a punch-carrying Santa, Christmas meets The Raid. St. Nick must fight his way out of a house during a robbery and save the family in order to prevent Christmas from being ruined. And this one is just in cinemas.
2. Christmas Bloody Christmas

The Santa in this story is a robotic decoration from a neighborhood toy store, but when it malfunctions, awful things happen. In cinemas from December 9, you’ll be able to watch it online too on Shudder.
3. Silent Night

This is a horror film in the dark, existential sense. The film, starring Matthew Goode and Kiera Knightley, has elements of end-of-the-world movies about a group of people who assemble for one final Christmas before an environmental Armageddon. Stream this one on Prime Video.
More Christmas Horror Movies
4. The Advent Calendar

Even though everyone loves advent calendars, this one would have most people saying “No thanks.” Eve, a paraplegic who needs a wheelchair, receives it as a gift, and each day the gifts grow more ominous. Is everything a jest, or is something ominous happening? Stream it on Prime Video.
5. Red Snow

It’s high time someone combined the holidays with vampires. (Dracula and Santa are both eternal.) A poor romance author moves to a remote cottage for the holidays to write, only to have a bat crash through her window and transform into a handsome bloodsucker named Luke. Streaming on Prime Video.
6. The Lodge
Although there are no Santas or elves in this film, it is quite eerie. Riley Keough plays a woman who is going to accompany her fiancé’s children to his cabin for a few days while he is away during the Christmas break. She must establish whether the extraordinary events she begins to witness are mental illusions or genuine and appear to be connected to her past. Streaming on Prime Video.
Christmas Horror Movies For Goosebumps
7. 13 Slays Until Xmas

There are several on this list because there is something about the holiday horror genre that truly lends itself to the anthology format. In this one, five men who were invited to a tavern on Christmas Eve begin telling spooky tales to one another while they wait for their host. Stream on Prime Video
8. Black Christmas

Actually, there are three variations of Black Christmas available. The best versions of the material include the (great) 1974 original starring Margot Kidder and Olivia Hussey. There is the 2006 remake helmed by a former X-Files cast member named Glen Morgan. And the 2019 remake was written and directed by a female duo named Sophia Takal and April Wolfe. Stream on Prime Video.
Fantastic Christmas Horror Movies
9. I Trapped The Devil

The set-up is purely spooky. Steve has imprisoned someone in his basement because he thinks he is the devil. But when Steve’s brother and sister-in-law unexpectedly arrive to spend the holidays, things take an unexpected turn. Can Steve convince them to accept him? Streaming on Prime Video.
10. Anna And The Apocalypse

Okay, so Anna and the Apocalypse leans more toward comedy than it does hard horror. Add “musical” and “zombie flick” to the mix, and you’ve got yourself a festive time. Streaming on Prime Video.
11. Better Watch Out

This blends the setting of a holiday film with a common horror trope: the menacing-babysitter story. In it, trouble develops when Ashley, Luke’s 17-year-old babysitter, and Luke, 12, are left alone for the night. (It earns extra points because it makes a direct allusion to Home Alone.) Stream it on Prime Video.
12. Merry Christmas

In this horror-comedy, a man named Michael can’t believe his good fortune after receiving an invitation to her family’s Christmas dinner from the woman of his dreams. What did she withhold from him? There may be a not-so-subtle metaphor regarding how capitalism eats up its workers because the dream woman is connected to Michael’s boss as well. Stream it on Amazon Prime.
Thriller Christmas Horror Movies
13. Krampus

If European legend is to be believed, bad kids this holiday season should be on the lookout for Krampus, a half-goat, half-demon who punishes misbehaving kids. This satirical horror film centers on a dysfunctional family who must survive a deadly Krampus attack. Toni Collette and Adam Scott star as the family. You can stream on Prime Video.
14. A Christmas Horror Story

The frightful creature also makes an appearance in this 2015 anthology movie, which offers a collection of interweaving, eerie tales that all take place in the same town on Christmas Eve. 2015 was a big year for the Krampus. You can stream it now on Prime Video.
15. Rare Exports

This moody Finnish film should surely be on your Christmas watch list if you don’t mind seeing a horror film with subtitles. It unleashes the power of something that was previously only known as a myth in indigenous culture, thanks to an excavation firm. You can stream it on Prime Video.
16. Saint

What if Santa Claus was a ruthless, bloodthirsty bishop rather than a gentle elderly man? This Dutch horror-comedy, which is also subtitled, claims that Sinterklaas turns evil when St. Nicholas Day falls on a full moon, and it is this reinvention that you may anticipate. You can stream it on Prime Video.
Read On For More Christmas Horror Movies
17. The Children

We all know that children are the actual monsters during the holiday season, not Krampuses or crazy Santas. Learn what transpires when children have a disease that causes them to rebel against their parents by watching The Children. You can stream it on Itunes.
18. Wind Chill

A college-aged woman and her classmate who are traveling home for the holidays end up trapped on the side of a wintry, isolated highway and are the stars of a terrifying drama starring Emily Blunt. She begins to perceive a sinister presence, who is always heard rocking around the Christmas tree. Is he actually after her, or is the cold only influencing how she perceives events? You can stream it on Prime Video.
19. Inside

Inside, also known as L’intérieur in France (you’ll need to watch with subtitles), is one of those films that manages to do more with fewer resources. Simple is the premise: The day after Christmas, a recently bereaved woman named Sarah is due to give birth. On Christmas Eve, as Sarah waits at home alone, another woman arrives and tries to enter her apartment. You can stream it on Prime Video.
20. PS

You find it undesirable to work on Christmas Eve. Try leaving the office on the last day only to discover that a crazy parking valet won’t let you go. (Even worse: He’s portrayed by the spooky Wes Bentley!) You can stream it on Prime Video.
Amazing Christmas Horror Movies
21. The Gingerbread Man

Consider this to be Child’s Play with a holiday twist. A sentient, living cookie-man out for vengeance is created when the ashes of a serial killer are combined with gingerbread dough. Playing the killer cookie is Gary Busey. You can stream it on Prime Video.
22. Dead End

A family makes a serious error by trying to cut corners on the way to their Christmas Eve supper. Although some alleged supernatural or paranormal events appear to occur, spending a lot of time in close quarters with relatives may be the real terror. You can stream it on Prime Video.
23. Jack Frost

No, not the cherished holiday animation about a cheery, joyful snowman. And no, it’s not the Michael Keaton-starring story with the same name. This version of Jack Frost centers on a serial killer who becomes an evil, sentient snowman and goes by the name of Jack Frost. This one leans closer toward the campy or absurd end of the spectrum, especially when you take into account the fact that Frost utilizes his carrot nose as a weapon. You can stream it on Prime Video.
24. The Day Of The Beast

In this Spanish-language movie with subtitles, a rogue priest searches the New Testament to pinpoint the precise day the Antichrist will appear. Surprise! It’s Christmas Eve at midnight. He recruits a heavy metal Satanist and a TV psychic to help him in his attempt to commit as much evil as he can that day. You can stream it on Prime Video.
Scary Christmas Horror Movies
25. The Nightmare Before Christmas

This Tim Burton classic may not be particularly gory in and of itself, but we’d contend the way it seamlessly fuses Halloween and Christmas. It totally deserves a spot on this list. A movie you can watch with the kids, at least! You can stream it on Prime Video.
26. The Silent Deadly, Deadly Night
Christmas slasher films were extremely popular in the 1970s and 1980s, and this series is no exception. The murder of his parents by a man in a Santa suit traumatizes a 5-year-old kid in the original Silent Night, Deadly Night. Years later, the youngster does the same thing, going on a killing spree while disguised as St. Nick. You can stream it on Prime Video.
27. Gremlins
Gremlins may appear to be kind and cuddly on the outside, but they are not at all likable tiny animals. (If you have watched this Joe Dante masterpiece from 1984, you are aware.) The holiday serves largely as a backdrop for a lot of mayhem in Gremlins, just like it does in Die Hard. You can stream it on Prime Video.
Other Christmas Horror Movies
28. Christmas Evil
When this 1980 slasher film was first released, it caused a lot of controversies. However, this goofy horror movie has grown in popularity over time. It tells the story of a little boy who is fascinated with Christmas but grows up and eventually snaps, murdering people while dressed as Santa Claus. You can stream it on Yudu.
29. Silent Night, Bloody Night
This story, which should not be confused with the Silent Night, Deadly Night series, is more of a gothic, eerie tale about a guy who wants to sell a home that was previously an asylum after inheriting it. When a lawyer arrives at the house to finalize the sale, a number of people are killed, and the murders are connected to the house’s past. You can stream it on Vudu.
Christmas Horror Movies – The Last On List
30. Tales From The Crypt
No, not the HBO series, this is the British horror anthology. The piece named “And All Through the House,” though one of the five, is about a murder that happened on Christmas Eve. After killing her spouse, a lady learns that a killer is at large nearby. You can stream it on Tubi.
Have a great Christmas! And, don’t forget to explore our fun section on Christmas celebrations. From Christmas greetings to Christmas party games to wishes to funny Christmas movies, you will find everything that you can do during the Christmas holidays!