Remember those cursive writing classes in primary school? Our parent’s and teachers‘ endless efforts how to improve handwriting may have looked exaggerated back then, but they were not in vain.
Good handwriting is key to making your text presentable. Besides, it is the reader’s first impression of your personality as they don’t always know your face or you in person. Imagine if you visit a stranger’s house for the first time and see it in disarray. Now, imagine the same house to be well-organized, neat, and tidy. In both scenarios, the house’s condition will set off a chain of impressions and conclusions in your mind, about the family living in the house.
How To Improve Handwriting

Tips On How To Improve Handwriting
Hence, to help you make your handwriting neat and beautiful, we have rounded up some simple tips on how to improve your handwriting
1. Choose The Right Grip
The right grip or way you hold your pen is crucial for good handwriting. Often, you have a strained grip that causes discomfort to your joints, and tires your muscles. The grip widely recommended by experts is the Tripod Grip, but there is little sense in straining your hands further with a grip that does not come to you naturally even if it’s recommended. The best grip is the one that gives you comfort and adds a smooth pace to your writing.
2. Choose Your Pen Well
Perhaps the most important tip on how to improve handwriting. Your pen determines the flow of letters on the page. If you struggle with your pen in terms of grip, or the smoothness of its nib on the paper, your handwriting may suffer. Thus, use a pen that suits your writing speed, allows a smoother flow, and facilitates a good grip. For instance: if you are left-handed, a uni-ball pen may suit you more as it dries fast and has a gliding tip.
3. Check Out The Handwriting Page On Reddit
On this page, you will come across various useful discussions on handwriting including expert inputs. Additionally, you will also find highly useful links to handwriting improvement resources like weekly practice tasks, cursive writing PDFs, Palmer Method, etc.
4. Mimic The Handwriting You Like
Imitation is an excellent way to learn. Besides, copying your favorite handwriting makes it an illustrative activity rather than a boring one. The task of making your handwriting a spitting copy of the source keeps you motivated. You can use tracing paper for this activity and have a fun time doing it!
5. Practice Using Worksheets
Worksheets are a proven way of engaging in meaningful handwriting practice. They give you a fair idea about spacing, letter size, and slants in handwriting. You can subscribe to free handwriting improvement resources online and print their worksheets to practice daily.
6. Use Handwriting Practice As A Stress-Relieving Activity
A master trick to improve your handwriting is by making your daily practice stress or anxiety-relieving activity. Handwriting practice allows you some self-time while keeping you busy in purposeful action.
7. How To Improve Handwriting – Start Writing A Journal
This tip on how to improve handwriting works like magic. It facilitates personal time for you to engage with your thoughts and improve your handwriting in the process. Write your journal with a conscious effort to make it look beautiful. Who knows if your diary is discovered ages later, and has a story worth telling? Thus, it will only be wise to make it as legible as possible.
8. Write Letters To Friends And Family
Adding charm to an otherwise monotonous activity like writing practice is a smart way of being consistent with practice. One of the most charming and interesting ways to add recreational value to your handwriting practice is by using letter writing as a tool. Especially in an age of text messages and GIFs, writing letters to friends and family has vanished. However time-consuming and slow letter writing used to be, it was the most intimate way to connect with loved ones and keep the flame of longingness alive. Why not bring it back and hit two birds with the same stone.?
9. Watch Calligrapher Seb Lester’s Videos
Seb Lester is a master calligrapher whose videos on Instagram will surely push you into trying your hand at calligraphic handwriting. He makes his videos so artistically that they almost hypnotize viewers and give off the ‘ASMR’ feels. Check out Seb Lester’s videos ASAP!
10. How To Improve Handwriting – Get Your Posture Right
It may not feel important but it is. Getting your posture right before starting to write is key to improving your handwriting. Your back must be straight, your feet flat on the ground, and your legs uncrossed. Relax your hands and arms, and shake your head too. Being careful about your posture is a great tip on how to improve handwriting.

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11. Choose The Right Paper
For good handwriting, the right paper is as important as the right pen. Thus, if you are on a handwriting improvement journey, choose papers with broad lines. They will allow more letter height which is crucial for getting letter formations right. As you progress, keep narrowing your lines until you can right like a pro in small spaces.
12. Monitor Your Pace
Cherrell says I write much too fast, probably because I’m trying to keep up with the speed I can type. Unless you are in an exam and forced to rush, there’s no need to write at a galloping speed. Take care of letter formation as much as you can.
How To Improve Handwriting: The Bottom Line
Just like a gorgeous dress makes you look attractive, good handwriting makes your text legible, efficient, and appealing. To improve your handwriting, you only need some perseverance and practice. Some basic tips like choosing the right pen and paper, sitting in the right posture, and pacing your speed, go a long way in helping you achieve your handwriting goals. If you want more expert tips on how to improve handwriting, there are a slew of digital sources like video tutorials and Reddit pages that can help you significantly.