Recently, actor R Madhavan’s 16-year-old son, Vedaant, made the whole country proud as he won a gold and a silver medal at the Danish Open 2022 in Copenhagen. As Madhavan took to social media to share this extraordinary news, many people came forward to congratulate Vedaant and his proud parents.
And So TODAY the winning streak continues.. @VedaantMadhavan gets a GOLD at Denmark open.🙏🙏❤️❤️Pradeep Sir @swimmingfedera1 #ANSAdxb & all of you for the continued blessings . 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) April 17, 2022
While talking about his son’s achievement, R Madhavan shared a piece of very important parenting advice that laid the foundation for Vedaant’s successful career.
While answering an interview question if he was disappointed in his son for not becoming an actor like him, he mentioned: “None at all. Not for a second. Sarita and I are happy with whatever he is doing. If instead of swimming Vedaant had come to us to tell us he wants to be cello players, we’d have happily supported him in that. My advice to parents is, follow your children’s dreams. Don’t look for your own dreams in your children. Mera naam karega roshan is all very fine. But don’t smother your child in your expectations.”
On letting his son, Vedaant, follow his dreams, he mentioned: “We were always very clear on that. He could do whatever he wants to do with his life. I remember when I had told my father that I wanted to be an actor he had thrown a fit. ‘You want to be a what????!!! You are a qualified engineer. Why aren’t you joining a hi-tech firm? What is this nonsense?!’ Etc etc.” Madhavan’s journey of following his passion may have left his father disappointed at that time. But, now, years later, we are sure his father is nothing but proud of him!
In a country, where many parents are obsessed to control their children’s life and career choices, Madhavan’s and his wife Sarita’s refreshing take on parenting is so welcoming.
ALSO READ: ‘Never Imposing My Upbringing On My Child’: Priyanka Chopra’s Take On Parenting
We hope many more parents would understand that our kids don’t owe us anything. And, as the famous artist, writer, and poet Khalil Gibran rightly said:
“Your children are not your children.
They are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.”
ALSO READ: Don’t Focus On Your Child All The Time: Sudha Murthy’s Parenting Advice For Indian Parents