Bitter Gourd, also known as Karela, is one of the most nutritious vegetables on the planet. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It’s delicious as a vegetable, pickle, or juice. Regular eating of bitter gourd has numerous advantages. So, here are the amazing health benefits of Bitter Gourd along with its nutritional value.
Bitter Gourd’s Nutritional Value
Bitter gourd is a low-calorie vegetable. The energy content of 100 grams of bitter gourd is around 19 calories. In 100 grams of Bitter Gourd, there are about 3.5 grams of carbohydrates and 2.4 grams of fiber, but only 150 mg of lipids and 930 mg of proteins. It also contains a lot of water (87 grams). Vitamin A and C are abundant in bitter gourd. It is also rich in potassium, folate, zinc, and iron. Catechin, gallic acid, epicatechin, and chlorogenic acid are antioxidants found in bitter gourd, which help us avoid many diseases.
Bitter Gourd Benefits That You Must Know
1. Good for Diabetes
Bitter gourd has a substance that works similarly to insulin. Bitter Gourd and diabetes are frequently used interchangeably! In both type I and type II diabetes, it lowers blood glucose levels. Because a glass of bitter gourd juice is so effective that diabetic sufferers may need to cut their medication dosage.
2. Benefits for Skin and Hair
Bitter Gourd benefits skin and hair in so many ways. It contains antioxidants as well as vitamins A and C, which are beneficial to the skin. It treats acne and skin imperfections while slowing down the ageing process. It can be used to treat a variety of skin infections, including ringworm, psoriasis, and itching. Bitter Gourd juice gives shine to hair and helps to prevent dandruff, hair loss, and split ends. Also, check out other foods that are good for hair growth and thickness.
3. Liver Detoxifier
Bitter gourd is detoxifying and good for the liver. It increases liver enzymes and helps to prevent hangovers by reducing alcohol deposits in the liver. The bladder and the intestines both benefit from bitter gourd.
4. Aids Digestion
Bitter Gourd (Karela) is high in fiber and aids bowel movement. It helps in relieving constipation and hence, aids digestion. In addition to Bitter Gourd, also check out some more foods that aid digestion and avoid constipation.Â
5. Promotes Heart health
Bitter gourd benefits the heart as it lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and lowers the risk of heart attack. The fiber in bitter gourd also aids in artery unclogging.
6. Prevents Cancer
Bitter Gourd strengthens the immune system and protects against allergies and infections. But the most important benefit of bitter gourd is that it prevents cancer. It prevents tumor growth by inhibiting cancer cell proliferation. Regular ingestion of bitter gourd lowers the risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancer substantially.
7. Manages Weight
Bitter Gourd is good for weight loss as it is low in calories and high in fibre. It inhibits the production and proliferation of adipose cells, which are responsible for fat storage in the body. It boosts metabolism and its antioxidants assist cleanse the body, resulting in fat loss. Also, checkout, how these foods help you lose weight without exercising and dieting.
8. Heals Injuries
Bitter Gourd (Karela) is a powerful healing herb. It regulates blood flow and clotting, allowing wounds to heal faster and infections to be reduced.
9. Blood Cleanser
Bitter gourd is abundant in antioxidants, which aids in the treatment of numerous illnesses associated with tainted blood. Bitter gourd eating leads to improvements in skin, hair, and cancer concerns. It also aids in the improvement of blood circulation.
10. Rejuvenates the body
After consistently taking bitter gourd (Karela), the body’s stamina and energy levels improve noticeably. It also aids in the improvement of sleep quality and the reduction of sleep disorders such as insomnia.
11. Good for Eyes
Bitter gourd benefits eyes as it is high in vitamin A, which prevents cataracts and improves vision. It even helps to reduce dark circles. Also, check out different ways to cure dark-circles.
To avoid diarrhea and stomach aches, limit your bitter gourd intake. Bitter gourd should also be avoided by pregnant women since it causes uterine contractions. Avoid eating red bitter gourd seeds (particularly by children) as they might cause stomach ache and loose movements. Diabetes patients should take them in moderation as excessive consumption can significantly drop blood sugar levels in a person, who is already taking diabetes drugs. Bitter gourd, especially seeds, should also be avoided during pregnancy.
Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided solely for educational reasons and is not intended to replace medical treatment provided by a healthcare professional. Because each person’s needs are different, the reader should check with their doctor to see if the material is appropriate for them.