How to Stop Snoring? In case you are also struggling with snoring, here are some of the best ways that can help you with your snoring. These ways have either reduced or stopped snoring in an effective way.
What Causes Snoring?
The air passing down your neck while you sleep causes snoring. This results in harsh, possibly bothersome noises when your throat’s relaxed tissues vibrate. Snoring might disrupt your partner’s sleep or your own. Even if it doesn’t annoy you too much, snoring is a warning that should not be ignored. Snoring, in fact, can indicate a serious health issue, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), difficulties with your mouth, nose, or throat’s shape, sleep loss, and blocked airways. So how to stop snoring?
How To Stop Snoring?

Snoring instances with benign reasons, like sleeping positions, can frequently be treated with easy at-home solutions. Snoring treatment can also benefit from some lifestyle modifications. Additionally, resting on your back or consuming alcohol too soon before bed might cause snoring.
Ways To Stop Snoring
1. Lie On Your Left Side
When you lie on your back, it’s possible for your tongue to slip to the back of your neck, partially obstructing your throat’s ability to breathe. It might only be necessary to sleep on your side in order to allow air to circulate freely and lessen or stop snoring.
2. Obtain Enough Sleep
As advised by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society, make sure you get the 7-9 hours of sleep per night that adults need. Lack of sleep can make snoring worse. This is due to the possibility that it will relax your neck muscles, increasing your risk of airway obstruction. Because snoring disrupts your sleep, it can also increase your risk of sleep deprivation.
3. Raise Your Head
Elevating the head of your bed by a few inches can help stop snoring by keeping your airways open. You can use items like bed risers or pillows to add a bit more height.
4. Nose Strips
To help increase the space in the nasal canal, stick-on nasal strips or a nasal dilator can be applied to the bridge of your nose. This can help you breathe better and reduce or stop snoring as a result of less airflow resistance.
5. Avoid Or Limit Drinking Before Bed
Before going to bed, refrain from consuming alcohol for at least three hours. Alcohol might make you snore by relaxing the muscles in your throat. Other ways that alcohol can disrupt your sleep are also possible. For instance, alcohol usage is connected to reduced REM sleep, as per a 2020 study. Dreaming and memory formation takes place during this period, hence REM sleep is essential.
6. Steer Clear Of Sedatives Before Bed
Speak with your doctor about your alternatives if you take sedatives. Snoring may be lessened by quitting sedative use before night. Similar to alcohol, sedatives can relax your throat’s muscles.
How To Stop Snoring – Continued
7. Stop Smoking
A terrible habit that could exacerbate your snoring is smoking. A 2014 study found that smoking may increase your risk of acquiring OSA or worsening your condition. A more thorough investigation is necessary. Ask your doctor about gum or patches as possible smoking cessation aids.
8. Keep A Healthy Weight
If you are overweight, losing weight will help reduce the amount of tissue in your throat. Excess tissue could be the reason you snore. By consuming fewer calories overall and smaller servings of more nutrient-dense meals, you can lose weight. Make an effort to exercise daily. You might also speak with a physician or a dietitian.
9. Fix Any Structural Or Anatomical Issues
Some persons have a deviated septum naturally or as a result of an accident. The wall between the two sides of the nose is out of alignment, which restricts airflow. Snoring can be brought on by mouth breathing while you sleep due to a deviated septum. A procedure known as a septoplasty may be required to address this issue.
10. Use Implants For The Palate
This procedure, also known as pillar therapy, aims to reduce or completely stop snoring and enhance OSA. During this procedure, tiny implants are inserted into the soft palate to lessen tissue vibration. Palatal implants are designed to help you stop snoring by supporting your soft palate. People with mild to moderate sleep apnea might consider this treatment. People with severe sleep apnea or obesity should not use it.