Akshay Kumar, once known for his magnetic box-office appeal, has been facing a significant struggle in recent times. A series of unsuccessful films has left his dedicated fan base disheartened. Although his recent venture, “OMG 2,” found success at the box office, much of the credit is attributed to the immensely talented Pankaj Tripathi.
Akshay Kumar’s latest film, “Mission Raniganj,” released on October 6, 2023, turned out to be another disaster in the series of his releases. Along with Akshay Kumar, the movie starred Parineeti Chopra, Kumud Mishra, and Ravi Kishan, with a storyline loosely based on the Raniganj Coalfields Collapse of 1989 in West Bengal. Akshay Kumar portrays the heroic Jaswant Singh Gill, who saved the lives of numerous miners following the tragic collapse.
Despite the intriguing plot, the movie failed to attract the audience to the cinema halls and turned out to be one of the lowest openers of Akshay Kumar’s career. Here are five key reasons that we feel could be behind this sentiment:
1. Repetitive Looks
Over time, Akshay Kumar’s appearance in films has often remained unchanged, leading to a sense of monotony among the audience.
2. Too Many Frequent Movies
Akshay Kumar is famous for doing 5-6 films in a year. And, unfortunately, his frequent releases have caused fatigue among many viewers, leading to a lack of interest in his upcoming project. (Also Read: Akshay Kumar has a massive line-up of movies for 2024-2025)
3. Lack of Quality: Movies with Countless Blunders
Remember the countless blunders that we witnessed in the film “Samrat Prithviraj.” Unfortunately, many fans were left disappointed, eroding their trust in his film choices and his acting skills.
4. Similar Savior Roles
Akshay Kumar’s portrayal of savior roles in multiple films has led to a sense of predictability, with audiences yearning for fresh and varied character portrayals. Remember movies – Holiday, Airlift, and many more.
5. Akshay Kumar’s Recent String of Flops
Another reason for people’s lack of interest in Akshay Kumar’s upcoming project is a series of recent box-office failures. From ‘Ram Setu’ to ‘Bachchan Panday’ to ‘Selfiee,’ Akshay Kumar’s movies have left his fans disappointed, leading to lowered expectations for ‘Mission Raniganj.
In light of these factors, the excitement surrounding Akshay Kumar’s latest venture appears to be subdued, raising questions about the film’s reception upon its release. Are you excited about Akshay Kumar’s Raniganj? Tell us in the comments below.