While some people have a natural talent for flirting, the new learners can use some effective tips on how to flirt with a boy to get a hang of it. If done the right way, flirting is an excellent way to show that you are interested in a boy. It is a healthy and decent way of stirring up some chemistry between the two of you. You can flirt via text, in person, or even from a distance. Let’s look at the tips that can help you flirt like a pro.
How To Flirt With A Boy

Tips On How To Flirt With A Boy
1. Address him by his name as much as you can
This is the simplest tip on how to flirt with a boy. By taking a guy’s name over and over again, you make your conversations more personal. The guy feels that you are involved in the conversation and want to know more about him.
2. Respond well to his jokes
Boys and girls, both love attention. Especially when they receive enthusiastic responses for their funny side, they feel ecstatic. So, when the boy of your dreams cracks a joke or does anything funny, don’t forget to laugh.
3. A touch now and then
We are talking about platonic touch. Touch that lowers the guards of two individuals and makes them more comfortable with each other. According to various studies, physical touch releases oxytocin, the feel-good hormone. Once you make the guy comfortable around you, you can take it a notch up and try some sensual moves. Maybe a brush against his shoulder, or a naughty rub of your legs against his.
4. Attract his attention to your lips
For shy girls, it may not be the easiest tip but if you give it a go, it works wonders. Boys tend to notice a girl’s lips a lot and all you have to do is make that momentary notice worthwhile. You can use a nice lip balm or lipstick to give your lips a juicy look.
5. Compliment him
Who doesn’t love compliments? By complimenting a guy, you show him that you notice him and like him. Compliments make up for the majority of the flirting game. Make sure that your observations are unique, genuine, and intimate. Compliments are great but they can backfire when delivered the wrong way.
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How To Flirt With A Boy – Pro-tip
Make your compliments as specific as possible. Include how you feel about the thing you like in him. For example: Instead of saying “You look good”, say “This color suits you so well. I don’t think I have seen anyone else pulling it off as gorgeously as you.”
6. Tease with ease
Don’t try too hard. If it comes naturally to you, tease him about stuff. It shuns all awkwardness and often kicks off a spicy banter. There are a few laughs here and there, but overall, the flirting is on point.
7. Don’t ignore your body
Don’t take it the wrong way but attracting attention to your body is a key flirting tip for both men and women. Let’s face it: we first notice how attractive a person is and everything else follows later. Thus, if you want to flirt with a guy, make things steamy by subtly talking about your body. For example, your workouts, a tattoo you want to get, your clothes, etc. Here is where being balanced is key. If you come off too strong, things might get uncomfortable and become more tense than playful.
8. Try dancing together
Dancing is an excellent excuse to spark some chemistry with your guy and get closer to him in multiple ways. By dancing with him, you can make him easy around you while making things heat up a bit too.
9. How to flirt with a boy – Be a keen listener
If you want to make a guy feel special, hear him out. Anyone for that matter feels good when someone listens keenly to their feelings and ideas. Flirting need not always be gamey. There are myriad ways of communicating your interest in someone, one of which is listening to them.
10. Make him want more of you
‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder, you must have heard it, right? The logic is simple, if you are too easily available for him, he might lose interest or get overwhelmed by your constant attention. Note: we are only talking about flirting scenarios here. This nowhere rejects the foundation on which long-term relationships are based. Make him want you!
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11. Clean up well
When you have just met someone, appearances create first impressions. Hence, the more properly you clean up, the better will be your chances of sparking desirability in him toward you.
12. Make him see that you are noticing him
This one is tricky. You have to stare at him to make him see that you are staring at him but act as if he caught you in the moment. Well, flirting is an art, and this tip proves it.
13. Smile often
Don’t make it unnatural and creepy. By smiling more, you relax people around you. They feel happy around you as you give off a charming vibe. Especially while flirting, a smile works like a magic spell on the person across the table.
14. Stay in touch
This tip is not to contradict the one that said to make him want you. Staying in touch does not mean that you call or text him every hour or show up at his place uninformed. It means, to be around him subtly. Liking any of his social media posts, sharing some funny memes, etc. on text or DMs are great ways.
15. Keep an easy body language
Our body language conveys a lot about us to the people around us. Likewise, while flirting with a guy, you must be conscious of your body language as it can say a lot without using any words. For example: Brushing his fingers against yours, squeezing his arm, leaning toward him while talking, etc. draw his attention to you and your intent.
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How To Flirt With A Boy – More Tips!
16. Stay confident
Confidence is sexy. People are naturally drawn to confident and self-assured individuals. But you look confident only when it comes from within you. If you dawn a veil of confidence only while flirting with a guy, there are chances that it will soon come off and expose you.
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17. Ask him out!
Why beat around the bush and waste time? This is also a perfectly okay tip on how to flirt with a boy: let him know you are interested in him. It is bold but normal. Many people appreciate straightforwardness and clarity. If you make your intentions clear right at the outset, things become easier to follow through.
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18. Don’t shy away from taking help
Asking him to help you out with something is a great starting point while flirting. It is decent, concrete, and reasonable. Moreover, it helps you to know him a lot better. When you ask for help, you show a vulnerable side of yourself to the other person. That in itself fosters bonding and closeness.
19. Say Hi!
Pretty basic. Right? But many people take ages making this basic first move. If you genuinely want to talk to a guy but cannot find a natural circumstance that ‘throws’ you both beside each other on a park bench, try introducing yourself! A normal introduction followed by a free-flowing conversation is an excellent way to open the door for more talking and flirting.
20. How about a wink?
If you are the bold one, why not try a flirtatious wink? Find the right cue and give him a playful wink. It will make for a wonderful flirty move and spice things up.
21. Flirt on text
By using texting as a platform, you can learn how to flirt with a guy quite effectively. The best part is, that texting saves you from the awkwardness of in-person interaction. Thus, you can try out your best moves here, without much worry. Moreover, those flirty emojis are there at your disposal to help you more with flirting. As your texts become more intimate and racier, throwing in some dirty questions here and there won’t harm you.
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22. Don’t text for the sake of it
Whenever you text him or respond to any of his messages, show genuine interest. Sending him a few conversation-worthy messages instead of a hundred pointless texts and confusing emojis is much better. When you send deadpan messages, you cannot expect a lengthy or deep conversation with him.
23. Text by mistake
This one is a little desperate but harmless. Sometimes, you run out of solid conversation starters. In such a scenario, texting the guy under the pretense of a message sent by mistake can start a conversation.
24. Talking about their social media posts
Social media is one place where we all are connected 24 x 7. Thus, there is little scope for not having anything in common to talk about related to social media. You can initiate a conversation with him about any of his posts or discuss a popular trend. It is better if you focus on his profile and social media activities so that he knows that you notice him.
25. Don’t go over the top with texting
Your attention can make him feel great but too much of it can annoy him too. Whatever moves you make including texting, respect his personal space. Flooding his chat box with your messages can drive him up the wall and make him averse to you.
26. Ask questions
By asking questions, we mean meaningful questions. Go beyond “What’s up?” and “How was your day?” Asking questions is an excellent way of engaging the guy you like in an interesting conversation. It also convinces him of your interest in him.
27. Don’t give away everything too soon
This tip, like many others, is more like a punishment than help. But, as they say, medicines are bitter but they heal. Chatting with a guy you like can be addictive but if you give away everything too soon, there will be little left to pick up later. Especially when you are just starting, you need more things to talk about. So, spare your thoughts judiciously.
28. Be the one to say bye first
Meandering conversations can soon become boring. So, when you feel that there is nothing solid left to talk about, be the one to say bye. Let him feel the desire to talk to you again, as soon as possible. Ending a conversation creates an air of mystery and sparks curiosity in the other person.
29. Try Ignoring him a little
One can’t stress it enough, don’t be too easy to get. If you look too desperate or aimless to him, he won’t feel attracted to you. Every time he messages, don’t pounce on your phone to reply to him. Keep calm!
30. Lastly, how to flirt with a boy? – Ask him to meet up!
This one is a pro tip on how to flirt with a guy. If you ask him to meet you for coffee, or for grabbing lunch together, there are high chance that he will feel drawn to you. Boldness and straightforwardness are attractive qualities.